28 Sep - Day 6: Finally, something different for Dinner!

Yes, we have something different tonight... no more hot pot!!! hahaha... still come in a little pot - but individual serving - The Ginseng Chicken Soup with Ginseng Wine (Samgetang). One whole (little) chicken (without head)... within which was glutinous rice and a tiny piece of ginseng... Hm... It just tasted like our normal chicken soup (without Ginseng)...

Here's the ginseng wine (rice wine) to be poured into the soup before serving...

Oh yes, how could kimchi go missing from the table... but no one touched it this evening. Added the noodles into the soup. It tasted good :D The meal was like a typical chinese meal.


Anonymous said...

You're a moron.

LOH Kwai Yin said...

Well, well... do accept the fact if the one could not appreciate the culture, it's not because one is not intelligent enough to appreciate that.

Indeed, it could be because the best side of the culture has not been presented; it could be because of cultural difference.

So, good to give and take. Sometimes it's good to hear from different perspectives. Good to figure out what has not gone well, identify the cause and see how to create 'buy-in' :D